“Procession” by Neil Selkirk

Saturday 25 January 2025, h 18:30 – Cinema Hotel Castell, Zuoz

SMAFF X Engadine Art Talks (E.A.T.)

Procession, shot from a single location adjacent to the Highline park in New York City, is a paean to this former elevated freight rail line, now transformed into a horticultural marvel, a magnet for locals and tourists alike, who venture along it—jogging, promenading, or simply walking—at all hours of the day and night. With no script, no dialogue, no voice-over, and no music except the sounds of the city, this film dispassionately records the cycle of observing, and documenting, and being observed and documented, aided and abetted, of course, by the ubiquitous smart phone. In this inadvertent ritual that becomes the purpose itself, the performers—for they are performers—oblivious to the clarity with which each evokes and projects individual demeanors and feelings, act within a proscenium of which both they and the audience are unaware. Procession is a forthright and unambiguous study of one’s fellow humans as they navigate this unique sliver of the world.

2024 · color · USA · EN · 110’